Wind Turbines and Health: The Studies

The testimonies of those who have lived near wind turbines and experienced ill effects are universal, consistent, and heartbreaking. Everything from noise and light interference to infrasonic and vibrational effects have been widely documented. Some residents have even been forced to evacuate their homes and farms.1 In 2021, a court in France ruled in favor of a couple suffering from WTS (Wind Turbine Syndrome).2 A study four years earlier had concluded:

…the construction of wind turbines close to households exerts significant negative external effects on residential well-being…

Krekel and Zerrahn, “Does the Presence of Wind Turbines Have Negative Externalities for People in Their Surroundings? Evidence from Well-Being Data”

As early as 2009, Dr. Michael Nissenbaum of the Northern Maine Medical Center presented his findings to the Maine Medical Association. “His study, which he characterized as “alarming”, suggests that his patients are experiencing serious health problems related to shadow flicker and noise emissions from the turbines near their homes. The onset of symptoms (including sleep disturbance, headaches, dizziness, weight changes, possible increases in blood pressure, as well as increased prescription medication use), all appear to coincide with the time when the turbines were first turned on in December 2006.”3

What we have observed is that people who live near the bigger wind turbines develop more quickly and more intense health problems than people who live near smaller wind turbines… there’s no option for this person but to run… people are put into impossible situations — impossible situations.

Professor Mariana Alves-Pereira, “Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise (ILFN)”,

In that landmark court decision in France, evidence was presented that is in the paper “Wind turbines and adverse health effects: Applying Bradford Hill’s criteria for causation”. It was concluded that exposure to IWTs (industrial wind turbines) is associated with an increased risk of AHEs (adverse health effects).

This analysis concludes that living or working near IWTs can result in AHEs in both people and animals.

“Wind turbines and adverse health effects: Applying Bradford Hill’s criteria for causation”, (2021) Dumbrille et. al.,

Among the main conclusions:

  • Across all continents, the same pattern of complaints [of wind turbines] could be shown in chronically exposed persons.
  • Reports of negative effects on animals, which are known not to show any nocebo effect and which live close to wind turbines, resulted not only in stress reactions, but also in also negative effects on fertility, development and reproduction. Reports from the USA, Canada, Denmark, Japan, Portugal, France, Taiwan and Great Britain indicated teratogenic and mutagenic effects (see Appendix Dumbrille et al.).
  • With regard to the “dose-response” criterion, analyzes showed a demonstrable deterioration in the mental performance of residents living within 1.4 km of the wind turbine(s) and those outside Radius.
  • From the conclusions, important questions arise about the determination of a cumulative dose of sound, including infrasound and low-frequency sound (ILFN) for adults, the elderly and especially fetuses and small children.

In the words of Dr. Christopher Hanning: “The only mitigation for wind turbine noise is to place a sufficient distance between the turbines and places of human habitation.”4 What is “sufficient”? The latest research shows that adverse health effects occur to within 15km or more from industrial wind factories,5 and that the bigger they are, the worse the impacts.6

The World Health Organization (WHO) in a 2000 publication (“Community Noise” by Berglund et al) said, “It should be noted that a large proportion of low frequency components in a noise may increase considerably the adverse effects on health.” That is, what you can’t hear can be harmful. The study stated that there is…

…clear evidence that wind turbines generate low frequency sound (infrasound) and acoustic signals which can be detected at considerable distances (many kilometres) from wind farms on infrasound detectors and low-frequency microphones.

“Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbines”, Keith Stelling, MA, MNIMH, Dip Phyt, MCPP (England), with additional files from Carmen Krogh, BScPharm; October 20, 2009; pp. 18-19

And then in 2018, the WHO updated its noise guidelines for Europe noting “stronger evidence of the cardiovascular and metabolic effects of environmental noise; inclusion of new noise sources, namely wind turbine noise…” that it includes as “one of the top environmental hazards to both physical and mental health and well-being.”7

Still, government regulators continue to ignore the scientific and medical warnings. In Germany, for example, regulations have set a minimum distance of 1000m from residences.8 But the French Court of Appeal in the case above “determined that the operation of the turbines at a distance of 700 m to 1300 m led to health problems.”9 This, however, does not mean that distances greater than 1300m do not cause health issues, something that still needs to be thoroughly studied, particularly because of the effects of low frequency noise on animals. If scientists as far back as 2009 were calling for a moratorium on any further wind farm construction until more studies were done, that urgency is only compounded today by recent research that only echoes long-standing warnings.

There are about 12 different health problems associated with WTS [Wind Turbine Syndrome] and these range from tachycardia, sleep disturbance, headaches, tinnitus, nausea, visual blurring, panic attacks with sensations of internal quivering to more general irritability.

Dr. Nina Pierpont, PhD, ‘Are wind farms a health risk? US scientist identifies ‘wind turbine syndrome’The Independent, August 2, 2009; see peer-reviews of her research here

Incredibly — and recklessly — energy companies continue to place wind farms in objectively dangerous proximity to humans. The proposed projects in Lakeland, Alberta will see some turbines easily within less than 1000 meters next to residences.

I personally would not live 20km away from them… We have identified the wind turbine acoustic signature in a home 12km away from the closest wind turbine.

Professor Mariana Alves-Pereira, “Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise (ILFN)”,

If someone tells you there is no proof that wind turbines have a profound impact on humans and animals alike, please refer them to the following research and over 480 studies. Our gratitude to National Wind Watch for compiling them…

The Studies

Wind turbines and adverse health effects: Applying Bradford Hill’s criteria for causation
Author: Dumbrille et al.

Wind energy turbines and sound exposure in the audible and IFLN range: high evidence for severe health disturbances according to current studies (Sept. 2022)
Author: Ursula Bellut-Staeck

Pre-Sleep Cognitive Arousal and Sleep Misperception
Author:  Sharman, Rachel; et al.

Wind power harms the environment, fuels bad energy policies and poor investments
Author:  Gitt, Brian
EconomicEmissionsEnvironmentHealthNoiseProperty values

Geluid van industriële windturbines: De relatie met gezondheid [Industrial wind turbine noise: the association with human health]
Author:  de Laat, Jan; et al.

Wind turbines and adverse health effects: Applying Bradford Hill’s criteria for causation by Anne Dumbrille, Robert McMurtry, and Carmen Krogh – ‘Big Noises: Tobacco and Wind’
Author:  Evans, Alun

Effects of low-frequency noise from wind turbines on heart rate variability in healthy individuals
Author:  Chiu, Chun-Hsiang; et al.

Cardiologist investigation and response to industrial wind turbines in the rural residential countryside regarding concerns of adverse health effects
Author:  Johnson, Ben

Systematic review and meta-analysis of wind turbine noise effects on sleep using validated objective and subjective sleep assessments
Author:  Liebich, Tessa; et al.

Laboratory study on the effects of wind turbine noise on sleep: results of the polysomnographic WiTNES study
Author:  Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Thorsson, Pontus; Hussain-Alkhateeb, Laith; Pedersen, Eja; Forssén, Jens; Ageborg Morsing, Julia; and Persson Waye, Kerstin

Green Energy Truths — Report from the Front Lines of Vermont
Author:  Smith, Annette

Santé des hommes et des animaux face aux infrasons produits par les éoliennes
Author:  Various

Case studies that have convinced me that industrial wind turbines make people sick
Author:  Acker, William

Investigation of the unpleasantness of infrasound combined with audio sound using psychoacoustic scaling methods
Author:  Burke, Elisa; et al.

Frequency characteristics of oppressive and vibratory feeling to low-frequency sound
Author:  Morinaga, Makoto; et al.

Silent Menace (Part 2 of 2): Wind Turbine Infrasound – What You Can’t Hear Can Hurt You
Author:  Deever, Donald Allen

Pilot study on perceived sleep acceptability of low-frequency, amplitude modulated tonal noise
Author:  Hansen, Kristy; Nguyen, Phuc; Zajamšek, Branko; Micic, et al.

Epidemiological study on long-term health effects of low-frequency noise produced by wind power stations in Japan
Author:  Ishitake, Tatsuya; Norimatsu, Yoshitaka; and Hara, Kunio

Influence evaluation of infrasound by using both of biological information and infrasound sensors in the vicinity of wind turbine facilities
Author:  Nagamatus, Megumi; and Yamamoto, Masa-yuki

Long-term wind turbine noise exposure and the risk of incident atrial fibrillation in the Danish Nurse cohort
Author:  Bräuner, Elvira; et al.

Silent Menace (Part 1 of 2): Wind Turbine Infrasound – What You Can’t Hear Can Hurt You
Author:  Deever, Donald Allen

Industrial wind turbines and adverse health effects: A cardiologist’s view of the data
Author:  Johnson, Ben

Impact of Long-Term Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise on Redemption of Sleep Medication and Antidepressants: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Author:  Poulsen, Aslak Harbo; et al.

Long-Term Exposure to Wind Turbine Noise and Risk for Myocardial Infarction and Stroke: A Nationwide Cohort Study
Author:  Poulsen, Aslak Harbo; et al.

Long-term exposure to wind turbine noise at night and risk for diabetes: A nationwide cohort study
Author:  Poulsen, Aslak Harbo; et al.

Kohmetscher v. Nextera
Author:  Kohmetscher, Kevin; Healy, David; and McGuire, Myles
EconomicsFilingsFloridaHealthNebraskaNoiseProperty valuesU.S.

Influence of wind turbine visibility on the health of local residents: a systematic review
Author:  Freiberg, Alice; et al.

Local Tax Abatements and the Texas Wind Industry: How Chapters 312 and 313 Are Scarring Rural Texas
Author:  Greer, Stanley

Health effects of wind turbines on humans in residential settings: Results of a scoping review
Author:  Freiberg, Alice; et al.

HealthSleep quality of offshore wind farm workers in the German exclusive economic zone: a cross-sectional study
Author:  Velasco Garrido, Marcial; Mette, Janika; Mache, Stefanie; Harth, Volker; and Preisser, Alexandra

Wind Turbine Noise and Sleep: Pilot Studies on the Influence of Noise Characteristics
Author:  Ageborg Morsing, Julia; Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Thorsson, Pontus; Pedersen, Eja; Forssén, Jens; and Persson Waye, Kerstin

WHO Noise and Health Evidence Reviews
Author:  Various

Health effects of ultra-low frequency sound and noise by wind power generation facilities
Author:  Ishitake, Tatsuya

Pregnancy exposure to wind turbine noise and adverse birth outcomes: a nationwide cohort study
Author:  Poulsen, Aslak Harbo; et al.

Procedure for deriving wind turbine noise limits by taking into account annoyance
Author:  Fredianelli, Luca; et al.

Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region
Author:  World Health Organization

Comment to the Iowa Utilities Board
Author:  Swanson, Janna

Derivation and application of a composite annoyance reaction construct based on multiple wind turbine features
Author:  Michaud, David; et al.
HealthNoiseOntarioPrince Edward Island

Association between self-reported and objective measures of health and aggregate annoyance scores toward wind turbine installations
Author:  Michaud, David; et al.
HealthNoiseOntarioPrince Edward Island

Response to Noise Emitted by Wind Farms in People Living in Nearby Areas
Author:  Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska, Małgorzata; et al.

Review of the Possible Perceptual and Physiological Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Author:  Carlile, Simon; Davy, John; Hillman, David; and Burgemeister, Kym

Development of the WHO Environmental Noise Guidelines for the European Region: An Introduction
Author:  Jarosińska, Dorota; Héroux, Marie-Ève; et al.

Using residential proximity to wind turbines as an alternative exposure measure to investigate the association between wind turbines and human health
Author:  Barry, Rebecca; Sulsky, Sandra; and Kreiger, Nancy
HealthNoiseOntarioPrince Edward Island

Living in habitats affected by wind turbines may result in an increase in corticosterone levels in ground dwelling animals
Author:  Łopucki, Rafał; et al.

Does the Presence of Wind Turbines Have Negative Externalities for People in Their Surroundings? Evidence from Well-Being Data
Author:  Krekel, Christian; and Zerrah, Alexander

Short-term nighttime wind turbine noise and cardiovascular events: A nationwide case-crossover study from Denmark
Author:  Poulsen, Aslak Harbo; et al.

There’s a Persistent Hum in This Canadian City, and No One Knows Why
Author:  Mele, Christopher

Health effects of wind turbines in working environments – a scoping review
Author:  Freiberg, Alice; et al.

Understanding stress effects of wind turbine noise – the integrated approach
Author:  Pohl, Johannes; Gabriel, Joachim; and Hübner, Gundula

Infrasound and low-frequency noise – does it affect human health?
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; Bakker, Huub; Rapley, Bruce; and Summers, Rachel

Summary of the Effect of the Medical and Scientific Evidence
Author:  White, Richard; and Bean, Katherine

Why wind turbine sounds are annoying, and why it matters
Author:  Palmer, William

Expert Witness Statement of Sarah Laurie, Waubra Foundation
Author:  Laurie, Sarah
HealthNew ZealandNoiseRegulations

Case Report: Cross-Sensitisation to Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise
Author:  Rapley, Bruce; Bakker, Huub; Alves-Pereira, Mariana; and Summers, Rachel

Wind Turbine Noise Effects on Sleep: The WiTNES study
Author:  Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Thorsson, Pontus; Hussain-Alkhateeb, Laith; Pedersen, Eja; Forssén, Jens; Ageborg Morsing, Julia; and Persson Waye, Kerstin

Physical and mental health issues in wind farm workers
Author:  Various

Wind Turbine Syndrome: The Impact of Wind Farms on Suicide
Author:  Zou, Eric

Lawsuit against Invenergy for loss of amenity and well-being
Author:  Andre, Mark; Andre, Donna; et al.
HealthHuman rightsLawNew YorkNoiseProperty values

Herb Coussons comments to Brown County Board of Supervisors
Author:  Coussons, Herb

Speaking Notes for Ryan’s Hill Planning Panel
Author:  Coffey, Jacinta

Appeal to North Country Public Radio
Author:  Pease, Janice
EnvironmentHealthNew YorkNoise

My 101st formal complaint to AGL
Author:  Hetherington, Jan

Seeking Damages from Wind Energy Project Owners/Operators
Author:  Mitchell, Peter

Wind Turbine Noise and Human Health: A Review of the Scientific Literature
Author:  Vermont Department of Health

Environmental Noise Pollution: Has Public Health Become Too Utilitarian?
Author:  Evans, Alun

Nuisances Sanitaires des Éoliennes Terrestres — Académie Nationale de Médecine
Author:  Tran Ba Huy, Patrice; and French Academy of Medicine

Impact of noise on health: The divide between policy and science
Author:  Bronzaft, Arline

Altered cortical and subcortical connectivity due to infrasound administered near the hearing threshold – Evidence from fMRI
Author:  Weichenberger, Markus; et al.

Infraschall – der Bumerang der Energiewende / Infrasound – the boomerang of the energy transition
Author:  Stiller, Thomas

Flat Rock Wind v. Rush County Area Board of Zoning Appeals
Author:  Court of Appeals of Indiana
HealthLawNoiseProperty values

Response to McCunney et al: Wind turbines and health: an examination of a proposed case definition
Author:  McMurtry, Robert; and Krogh, Carmen

Physiological effects of wind turbine noise on sleep
Author:  Smith, Michael; Ögren, Mikael; Thorsson, Pontus; Pedersen, Eja; and Persson Waye, Kerstin

Wind Turbine Noise and Human Health: A Four-Decade History of Evidence that Wind Turbines Pose Risks
Author:  Punch, Jerry; and James, Richard

Shirley Wind case crossover testimonies
Author:  Brown County Citizens for Responsible Wind Energy

Before–after field study of effects of wind turbine noise on polysomnographic sleep parameters
Author:  Jalali, Leila; Bigelow, Philip; et al.

Prevalence and its risk factors for low back pain among operation and maintenance personnel in wind farms
Author:  Jia, Ning; et al.

Wind turbines cause chronic stress in badgers (Meles meles) in Great Britain
Author:  Agnew, Roseanna; Smith, Valerie; and Fowkes, Robert

Position of the National Institute of Public Health–National Institute of Hygiene on wind farms
Author:  National Institute of Hygiene, National Institute of Public Health, Poland

Effect of varying distances from the wind turbine on meat quality of growing-finishing pigs
Author:  Karwowska, Małgorzata; Mikołajczak, Jan; Dolatowski, Zbigniew Józef; and Borowski, Sylwester

Exposure-response relationship of wind turbine noise with self-reported symptoms of sleep and health problems: A nationwide socioacoustic survey in Japan
Author:  Kageyama, Takayuki; Yano, Takashi; Kuwano, Sonoko; Sueoka, Shinichi; and Tachibana, Hideki

Professional Caution to Brown County Health Department
Author:  Rand, Robert

Speech for the Falmouth Rally, 27th February, 2016
Author:  Laurie, Sarah
HealthHuman rightsNoise

Bullet points for Draft Wind Farm State Code acoustics review
Author:  David, Antoine

Health problems in Finland caused by infrasound from wind turbines
Author:  Tuulivoima-kansalaisyhdistys ry

Impact of wind turbine sound on general health, sleep disturbance and annoyance of workers: a pilot-study in Manjil wind farm, Iran
Author:  Abbasi, Milad; Monazzam, Mohammad Reza; Akbarzadeh, Arash; Zakerian, Seyyed Abbolfazl; and Ebrahimi, Mohammad Hossein

CAW wind turbine: noise, health, and property concerns
Author:  Krisselbrink, Barry
HealthNoiseOntarioProperty values

Infrasound/low-frequency noise and wind turbines
Author:  Stelling, Keith; and Multi-Municipal Wind Turbine Working Group

Robert McMurtry before the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines
Author:  McMurty, Robert; and Australia Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines

Lilli-Anne Green before the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines
Author:  Green, Lilli-Anne; and Australia Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines
AustraliaDenmarkFranceGermanyHealthMassachusettsNetherlandsNew ZealandSweden

Sarah Laurie before the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines
Author:  Laurie, Sarah; and Australia Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines

Low Frequency Noise-Induced Pathology: Contributions Provided by the Portuguese Wind Turbine Case
Author:  Castelo Branco, Nuno; Alves-Pereira, Mariana; et al.

Clinical Protocol for Evaluating Pathology Induced by Low Frequency Noise Exposure
Author:  Castelo Branco, Nuno; Alves-Pereira, Mariana; et al.

Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines: Interim Report
Author:  Australia Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines

Wind turbine hosts’ testimony to Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines
Author:  Gare, Clive; and Gare, Petrina

Effect of Wind Turbine Noise on Workers’ Sleep Disorder: A Case Study of Manjil Wind Farm in Northern Iran
Author:  Abbasi, Milad; Monazzam, Mohammad Reza; Zakerian, Sayed Abbolfazl; and Yousefzadeh, Arsalan

Intensivierung der Forschung zu möglichen gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen bei Betrieb und Ausbau von Windenergieanlagen
Author:  German Medical Association

Effect of wind turbine noise on sleep and quality of life
Author:  Onakpoya, Igho; O’Sullivan, Jack; Thompson, Matthew; and Heneghan, Carl

Direct Experience of Low-Frequency Noise and Infrasound within a Windfarm Community
Author:  Swinbanks, Malcolm

Industrial wind energy: Discussion on nuisance and negligence actions relating to noise and health
Author:  Neville, Tania

Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines: Alun Evans
Author:  Evans, Alun

Submissions to the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines: neighbors
Author:  Various
AustraliaHealthProperty values

Theory to explain some physiological effects of the infrasonic emissions at some wind farm sites
Author:  Schomer, Paul; Erdreich, John; Pamidighantam, Pranav; and Boyle, James

Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines: Hanning
Author:  Hanning, Christopher

Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Wind Turbines: Hansen
Author:  Hansen, Colin

Expert Review: Evidence on Wind Farms and Human Health
Author:  Various

Statement of Evidence on behalf of Glenmark Community Against Wind Turbines
Author:  Shepherd, Daniel
HealthNew ZealandNoise

E-mail messages from acoustic consultants and researchers to Steven Cooper and colleagues
Author:  James, Richard; Swinbanks, Malcolm; and Rand, Robert

Review of the Cape Bridgewater acoustic testing program and where it is leading
Author:  Schomer, Paul; and Hessler, George

Some individual differences in human response to infrasound
Author:  Nussbaum, D.S.; and Reinis, S.

Selected abstracts from Inter-Noise 2014
Author:  Various

Expert Opinion Concerning the Adverse Impacts of Wind Turbine Noise
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Eoliennes et santé humaine
Author:  Lachat, Nicole

Health Effects Related to Wind Turbine Noise Exposure: A Systematic Review
Author:  Schmidt, Jesper Hvass; and Klokker, Mads

Wisconsin Wind Siting Council — Minority Response
Author:  Amstadt, James; Kuehne, Carl; Meyer, Tom; Schwalbach, Glen

Negative health impact of noise from industrial wind turbines: How the ear and brain process infrasound
Author:  Punch, Jerry; and James, Richard

Negative health impact of noise from industrial wind turbines: The evidence
Author:  Punch, Jerry; and James, Richard

Self-reported and objectively measured health indicators among a sample of Canadians living within the vicinity of industrial wind turbines
Author:  Michaud, David; Keith, Stephen; et al.
CanadaHealthNoiseOntarioPrince Edward Island

Negative health effects of noise from industrial wind turbines: Some background
Author:  Punch, Jerry; and James, Richard

Noise, flicker, health and safety
Author:  Wiser, Ryan; Yang, Zhenbin; et al.

Significant infrasound levels a previously unrecognized contaminant in landmark motion sickness studies
Author:  Dooley, Kevin

Diagnostic criteria for adverse health effects in the environs of wind turbines
Author:  McMurtry, Robert; and Krogh, Carmen

Low-frequency sound affects active micromechanics in the human inner ear
Author:  Kugler, Kathrin; Wiegrebe, Lutz; Grothe, Benedikt; Kössl, Manfred; Gürkov, Robert; Krause, Eike; and Drexl, Markus

Public complaints about wind turbine noise and adverse health impacts justified
Author:  Ambrose, Stephen; Rand, Robert; James, Richard; and Nissenbaum, Michael

Submission concerning Gullen Range Wind Development
Author:  Waubra Foundation

Cutting through the Spin
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Wind turbines make people ill: fact not fiction
Author:  Kenny, Pamela

Wind Farms and Human Health Scientific Forum
Author:  Various

Wind noise and adverse health effects
Author:  Reider, Sandy

Precautionary principle in action for public health
Author:  Martuzzi, Marco; and Kriebel, David

Commentary on work of Knopper and Ollson, consultants for Algonquin Power
Author:  McMurtry, Robert

Longitudinal study of the impact of wind turbine proximity on health related quality of life
Author:  McBride, David; Shepherd, Daniel; Welch, David; and Dirks, Kim
HealthNew ZealandNoise

Influence of infrasound noise from wind turbines on EEG signal patterns in humans
Author:  Kasprzak, Cezary

‘Wind turbine syndrome’: fact or fiction?
Author:  Farboud, Amir; Crunkhorn, R.; and Trinidade, A.

Wind power construction from the point of view of health protection
Author:  Keinänen, Jari; and Pekkola, Vesa

Letters to Civilna Inicijativa za Zaščito Senožeških Brd and Çeşme Sürdürülebilir Yaşam Platformu
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Wind Turbine Noise and Adverse Health Effects – summary, June 1, 2014
Author:  Waubra Foundation

Systematic review 2013: Association between wind turbines and human distress
Author:  Arra, Ian; Lynn, Hazel; Barker, Kimberley; Ogbuneke, Chiebere; and Regalado, Sophie

Letter to AMA: audibility and effects of infrasound
Author:  Rapley, Bruce

Evaluation of annoyance from the wind turbine noise – A pilot study
Author:  Pawlaczyk-Łuszczyńska, Małgorzata; et al.

Harm from wind turbines – What has been known for decades
Author:  Krogh, Carmen
HealthHuman rightsNoiseVideos

Gross Defects in NHMRC Review into Wind Farms and Human Health
Author:  Crawford, Michael

Statement of Dr Christopher Hanning
Author:  Hanning, Christopher

Response to NHMRC Systematic Review and Draft Information Statement concerning wind turbines and adverse health effects
Author:  Waubra Foundation

Ark Hill wind turbines 1 year on
Author:  Vivers, Andrew

Portuguese Supreme Court orders 4 wind turbines removed
Author:  Supremo Tribunal de Justiça
HealthHuman rightsLawNoisePortugal

Reply to: How the factoid of wind turbines causing ‘vibroacoustic disease’ came to be ‘irrefutably demonstrated’
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; and Castelo Branco, Nuno

How Does Wind Turbine Noise Affect People?
Author:  Salt, Alec; and Lichtenhan, Jeffery

Letter to the AMA re its recent paper concerning wind turbines
Author:  Waite, Geoffrey

Wind farms and health
Author:  Evans, Alun

Critical analysis of: Wind turbine health impact study: report of independent expert panel
Author:  Schomer, Paul; and Pamidighantam, Pranav

Open Letter on our wind farm experiences
Author:  Mortimer, David

Wind farms and health: Who is fomenting community anxieties?
Author:  Shepherd, Daniel

Adverse Health Effects and Industrial Wind Energy Facilities
Author:  Krogh, Carmen

Open Letter to AMA on Position Statement: Wind Farms & Health 2014
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Wind Farms: Health Effects
Author:  Madigan, John

Suffering from low-frequency noise in Holland
Author:  Jonkman, Elisabeth

Acute and chronic endocrine effects of noise: Review of the research conducted at the Institute for Water, Soil and Air Hygiene
Author:  Ising, H.; and Braun, C.

Exploring the Association between Proximity to Industrial Wind Turbines and Self-Reported Health Outcomes in Ontario, Canada
Author:  Paller, Claire

Preliminary studies on the reaction of growing geese to the proximity of wind turbines
Author:  Mikołajczak, J.; et al.

Low-Frequency Noise and Health: A Wind Turbine Case (2007–2013)
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; and Castelo Branco, Nuno

Reprehensible wind farm planning approvals given on the basis of “no problems at Waterloo”
Author:  Morris, Mary

Comments on the 2013 SA EPA Waterloo Wind Farm Environmental Noise Study
Author:  Hansen, Colin

Submission of Ted Hartke
Author:  Hartke, Ted

Industrial wind turbines and adverse health effects
Author:  Jeffery, Roy; Krogh, Carmen; and Horner, Brett

“Wind Turbine Noise” — Responses to BMJ Editorial
Author:  Various

Vibroacoustic Disease – The Response of Biological Tissue to Low-Frequency Noise
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; Joanaz de Melo, João; and Castelo Branco, Nuno

Wind turbine noise: an overview of acoustical performance and effects on residents
Author:  van den Berg, Frits

Explicit Warning Notice (health problems with large wind turbines)
Author:  Waubra Foundation

Statement of Sarah Laurie (overview: evidence of health risks)
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Act relating to actions for damages caused by wind energy systems
Author:  Lasee, Frank
HealthLawProperty valuesWisconsin

Industrial Wind Turbines, Human Variability, and Adverse Health Effects
Author:  Nissenbaum, Michael

Effects of environmental noise on sleep
Author:  Hume, Kenneth; Brink, Mark; and Basner, Mathias

Infraljud från vindkraftverk – en förbisedd hälsorisk
Author:  Enbom, Håkan; and Malcus Enbom, Inga

Auditory and non-auditory effects of noise on health
Author:  Basner, Mathias; Babisch, Wolfgang; Davis, Adrian; et al.

Critical analysis of the “Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of Independent Expert Panel”
Author:  Schomer, Paul; and Pamidighantam, Pranav

Infrasound: Public health and welfare criteria for noise, section 10
Author:  U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Victim statements to Victorian Civil and Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Author:  Gardner, Andrew Robert; Hetherington, Janet Louise; and Linke, Maria Grace

Wind Turbine Noise, Sleep Quality, and Symptoms of Inner Ear Problems
Author:  Paller, Claire; Bigelow, Phil; Majowicz, Shannon; Law, Jane; and Christidis, Tanya

Infrasound from wind turbines as a health hazard
Author:  Quambusch, Erwin; and Lauffer, Martin

Health plan must consider wind turbine noise
Author:  Madigan, John

Wind turbine noise, adverse health effects, and professional ethics
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Big changes for Big Valley?
Author:  Jackson, Laura

Infrasound, human health, and adaptation: an integrative overview of recondite hazards in a complex environment
Author:  Persinger, Michael

Direct and indirect effects of low-frequency sound from wind turbines
Author:  Persinger, Michael

Students suffering from wind turbine noise
Author:  Mulvaney, William

Community impacts of Waterloo wind energy development
Author:  Various
AustraliaEconomicsEnvironmentHealthHuman rights

Critical analysis of accuracy of the “complaints” data from the Chapman et al “nocebo” research
Author:  Waubra Foundation

Studies of health effects of industrial wind turbine noise, 2003–2012
Author:  National Wind Watch

Health aspects associated with wind turbine noise – results from three field studies
Author:  Pedersen, Eja

Effects of wind turbine noise on humans
Author:  Pedersen, Eja

Wind turbines — low level noise sources interfering with restoration?
Author:  Pedersen, Eja; and Persson Waye, Kerstin

Impact of visual factors on noise annoyance among people living in the vicinity of wind turbines
Author:  Pedersen, Eja; and Larsman, Pernilla

Noise & Health, 2004–2006: Health consequences of noise and low-frequency noise annoyance
Author:  Various

Macarthur Wind Energy Facility Preliminary Survey
Author:  Schafer, Anne

Waterloo Case Series: Preliminary Report
Author:  Morris, Mary

Cullerin Range wind farm survey follow-up
Author:  Schneider, Patina

Wind Turbine Noise
Author:  Timmerman, Nancy

Measures to control housing development in areas affected by existing and approved wind farms
Author:  Pyrenees Shire, Victoria, Council

Infrasound from wind turbines — an overlooked health risk
Author:  Enbom, Håkan; and Malcus Enbom, Inga

Proposed theory to explain some adverse physiological effects of the infrasonic emissions at some wind farm sites
Author:  Schomer, Paul; Erdreich, John; Boyle, James; and Pamidighantam, Pranav

Report on the Health Impacts of Wind Farms
Author:  National Health Service Shetland

Case-control study of support/opposition to wind turbines: Perceptions of health risk, economic benefits, and community conflict
Author:  Baxter, Jamie; Morzaria, Rakhee; and Hirsch, Rachel
AestheticsHealthHuman rightsOntario

Adverse Health Impacts of Industrial Wind Turbines: A Scientific Response to “It’s all in your head”
Author:  Hartman, Raymond

Testimonies on the Scituate Industrial Wind Turbine

Big wind turbines, health and disease – a Danish perspective
Author:  Johansson, Mauri

Proposed Metric for Assessing the Potential of Community Annoyance from Wind Turbine Low-Frequency Noise Emissions
Author:  Kelley, N.D.

Statement of David Mortimer
Author:  Mortimer, David

Large endolymphatic potentials from low-frequency and infrasonic tones in the guinea pig
Author:  Salt, Alec; Lichtenhan, Jeffery; Gill, Ruth; and Hartsock, Jared

Critique of Mass. DEP Wind Turbine Health Impact Study
Author:  Hartman, Raymond

Impact of bad choices for climate change mitigation
Author:  Palmer, William

Responses of the Inner Ear to Infrasound
Author:  Salt, Alec; and Lichtenhan, Jeffery

Impact of wind turbine sound on annoyance, self-reported sleep disturbance and psychological distress
Author:  Bakker, R.H.; Pedersen, E.; van den Berg, G.P.; Stewart, R.E.; Lok, W.; and Bouma, J.

Adverse health effects of industrial wind turbines
Author:  Jeffery, Roy; Krogh, Carmen; and Horner, Brett

Portuguese Family and Horses Affected by Low-Frequency Wind Turbine Noise
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; Castelo Branco, Nuno; et al.

Acquired flexural deformity of the distal interphalangic joint in foals
Author:  Pereira Costa e Curto, Teresa Margarida

Letter to Victoria Dept. of Health re: physiologic effects of inaudible sound
Author:  Salt, Alec; and Lichtenhan, Jeffery

Annoyance and health problems in response to low-frequency noise
Author:  Various

Testimony to Vt. Senate Committee for Health and Welfare
Author:  Various
HealthHuman rightsNoise

Deconstructing wind farms
Author:  May, Murray

Effects of nighttime low-frequency noise on the cortisol response to awakening and subjective sleep quality
Author:  Persson Waye, Kerstin; Clow, Angela; Edwards, Sue; Hucklebridge, Frank; and Rylander, Ragnar

Six-month adjournment order for health effects study
Author:  Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

See no evil, hear no evil, nocebo
Author:  Rosenbloom, Eric

Wind Farm Noise and Human Perception: A Review
Author:  Noise Measurement Services

Guide to the evaluation of human exposure to noise from large wind turbines
Author:  Stephens, David; Shepherd, Kevin; Hubbard, Harvey; Grosveld, Ferdinand

Review of Crichton et al (Can expectations produce symptoms from infrasound associated with wind turbines?)
Author:  Punch, Jerry

McMurtry commentary on Chapman “nocebo” paper
Author:  McMurtry, Robert

Can expectations produce symptoms from infrasound associated with wind turbines?
Author:  Swinbanks, Malcolm

Chapman’s Nocebo Study
Author:  Gulden, Wayne

Waubra Foundation Statement on Cherry Tree Wind Farm
Author:  Mitchell, Peter

Association between wind turbine noise and human distress: Literature review
Author:  Arra, Ian; and Lynn, Hazel

Effects of insufficient sleep on circadian rhythmicity and expression amplitude of the human blood transcriptome
Author:  Möller-Levet, Carla; Archer, Simon; Bucca, Giselda; et al.

Sleep disturbances and suicide risk: A review of the literature
Author:  Bernert, Rebecca; and Joiner, Thomas
HealthHuman rights

Shirley wind turbine noise study shows need for EIS
Author:  Schomer, Paul
HealthHuman rightsLawNoiseWisconsin

Reply of Dr. Michael A. Nissenbaum to Senate Inquiry
Author:  Nissenbaum, Michael

Statement of Dr Sarah Elisabeth Laurie
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Infrasound From Wind Turbines Could Affect Humans
Author:  Salt, Alec; and Kaltenbach, James

‘Wind turbine syndrome’: fact or fiction?
Author:  Farboud, A.; Crunkhorn, R.; and Trinidade, A.

Toora Wind Farm health effects survey — 2004
Author:  Iser, David

Resolution Adopted by the Board of Directors of Wisconsin Towns Association
Author:  Board of Directors, Wisconsin Towns Association
HealthHuman rightsLawWisconsin

Owen Black affidavit re: wind turbine syndrome
Author:  Black, Owen

Risk of Harm and Industrial Wind Energy Facilities: Physicians as Health Advocates
Author:  Krogh, Carmen

Wind Farm–Generated Noise and Adverse Health Effects
Author:  Thorne, Robert

List of symptoms and medical problems
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Application of Champaign Wind: Submitted Documents
Author:  James, Richard; Punch, Jerry; McCann, Michael; Schaffner, Milo; and Palmer, William
HealthImpactsNoiseOhioProperty valuesTechnology

Cullerin Range Wind Farm Survey, August 2012
Author:  Schneider, Patina

Inquiry: Renewable Energy (Electricity) Amendment (Excessive Noise from Wind Farms) Bill 2012
Author:  Australia Senate Environment and Communications Legislation Committee

Peer review of Cherry Tree Wind Farm noise assessment
Author:  Acoustic Group

Effects of industrial wind turbine noise on sleep and health
Author:  Nissenbaum, Michael; Aramini, Jeff; and Hanning, Christopher

Letter from Sarah Laurie to Simon Chapman
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Wind Turbine Infra and Low-Frequency Sound: Warning Signs That Were Not Heard
Author:  James, Richard

Statement on the revision of the executive order on noise from wind turbines
Author:  Danish Society for Occupational and Environmental Medicine

Unexplained Low Frequency Noise
Author:  Griffiths, Emyr

Wind turbine noise, sleep and health
Author:  Hanning, Chris

Wind turbines and low frequency noise: Implications for human health
Author:  Papadopoulos, George

Noise and Health – Collector Wind Farm
Author:  Watts, Alan; and Watts, Colleen

Short- and long-term impact of proposed Collector wind development
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Falmouth, Massachusetts, wind turbine infrasound and low frequency noise measurements
Author:  Ambrose, Stephen; Rand, Robert; and Krogh, Carmen

Submission to Renewables Inquiry
Author:  Jackson, Aileen
HealthHuman rightsNoiseScotland

Health effects of environmental noise – other than hearing loss
Author:  enHealth Council

Investigation on the Physiological and Psychological Effects of Infrasound on Persons
Author:  Qibai, Chen Yuan Huang; and Shi, Hanmin

3 papers: wind turbine noise and human health
Author:  Krogh, Carmen; Jeffery, Roy; Aramini, Jeff; and Horner, Brett

Perception-based protection from low-frequency sounds may not be enough
Author:  Salt, Alec; and Lichtenhan, Jeffery

Pre-filed testimony of David R. Lawrence, MD
Author:  Lawrence, David

Comments on wind turbine noise and its health effects
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Peer-reviewed articles regarding adverse health effects of industrial wind turbines
Author:  Krogh, Carmen

Wind farms, communities and ecosystems: Special issue of Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Author:  Various
EconomicsHealthProperty valuesWildlife

Audit: National Health and Medical Research Council Public Statement (2010) and Rapid Review (2010)
Author:  Horner, Brett

Health Effects of Wind Turbines on Nearby Residents
Author:  Phillips, Carl

Falmouth (Mass.) Board of Health Turbine Hearing, May 24, 2012
Author:  Falmouth (Mass.) Board of Health
HealthHuman rightsMassachusettsNoise

Evidence of the Adverse Health Impacts of Industrial Wind Turbines
Author:  Anon.; National Wind Watch

Request for health assessment
Author:  Falmouth (Mass.) Board of Health

Comments on Mass. Wind Turbine Health Impact Study
Author:  Hanning, Chris; Alves-Pereira, Mariana; Shepherd, Daniel; Hartman, Raymond; and Green, Lilli-Ann

Wind Wise Radio – part 2
Author:  Wind Wise Radio
AestheticsEnvironmentGeneralHealthHuman rightsImpactsLawNoiseTechnologyWildlife

Wind Turbines and Ghost Stories: The Effects of Infrasound on the Human Auditory System
Author:  Chen, Hsuan-hsiu Annie; and Narins, Peter

How to Apply the Precautionary Principle to Wind Energy Projects
Author:  Waubra Foundation
AustraliaHealthHuman rightsNoise

Wind farms and human health — letter to NHMRC
Author:  Cornish, Aaron; and Hegarty, John

Health effects of wind turbines in Australia
Author:  National Wind Watch
AustraliaHealthHuman rightsVideos

Infrasound – Brief Review of Toxicological Literature
Author:  Gregorio, C.A.; Maull, E.A.; Carson, B.L.; and Haneke, K.E.

Three Windfarm Studies and an Assessment of Infrasound: Executive Summary
Author:  Tharpaland International Retreat Centre
AestheticsHealthHuman rightsNoiseScotland

Effects of Windfarms on Meditative Retreaters: A Human Impact Assessment
Author:  Tharpaland International Retreat Centre
AestheticsHealthHuman rightsScotland

Wind Turbine Acoustic Pollution Assessment Requirements
Author:  Waubra Foundation

Wind Turbines: Parliamentary Debate, Australia
Author:  Australia House of Representatives

Response to NSW Planning Department Draft Guidelines for Wind Developments
Author:  Waubra Foundation
AustraliaHealthHuman rightsNoiseRegulations

Wind turbine noise — BMJ editorial
Author:  Hanning, Christopher; and Evans, Alun
HealthHuman rightsNoiseRegulations

Wind Wise Radio
Author:  Wind Wise Radio
AestheticsEnvironmentGeneralHealthHuman rightsImpactsNoiseWildlife

Re: Wind Turbine Health Impact Study: Report of Independent Expert Panel
Author:  Krogh, Carmen

Wind Turbine Health Impact Study Is Junk Science
Author:  Hartman, Raymond

Pragmatic view of a wind turbine noise standard
Author:  Dickinson, Philip
HealthNew ZealandNoiseRegulations

Why is sharp-limited low-frequency noise extremely annoying?
Author:  Krahé, Detlef

Re: Ministry of the Environment Media Release “Expert Report Confirms No Direct Health Effects from Wind Turbines”
Author:  Gillespie, Eric

McPherson Study: The Infrasound Smoking Gun
Author:  Gulden, Wayne

Wind Turbines and Proximity to Homes: The Impact of Wind Turbine Noise on Health
Author:  Frey, Barbara; and Hadden, Peter
HealthHuman rightsNoiseU.K.

Response to HGC Literature Review
Author:  Harrison, John

Unvarnished Truth: Shirley Wind Project Health Impacts
Author:  Forest Voice

Nina Pierpont interviews acoustician Stephen Ambrose
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Bruce McPherson Infrasound and Low Frequency Noise Study
Author:  Ambrose, Stephen; and Rand, Robert

Summary of new evidence: Adverse health effects and industrial wind turbines, August 2011
Author:  Krogh, Carmen; and Horner, Brett

Letter from Vestas worried about regulation of low-frequency noise
Author:  Engel, Ditlev

Re Acciona’s Waubra Wind Farm, Victoria, Australia
Author:  Stepnell, Samantha

Wind turbine noise: why accurate prediction and measurement matter
Author:  Thorne, Robert; and Shepherd, Daniel

Wind Turbines Make Waves: Why Some Residents Near Wind Turbines Become Ill
Author:  Havas, Magda; and Colling, David

Wind power controversy
Author:  May, Murray

Wind power and ecology
Author:  Whisson, Max

Dynamic measurements of wind turbine acoustic signals, employing sound quality engineering methods considering the time and frequency sensitivities of human perception
Author:  Bray, Wade; and James, Richard

Learning from Evidence of Sound Experienced from Wind Turbines
Author:  Palmer, William

Nina Pierpont interviews Falmouth, Mass., wind turbine syndrome victims — September 2011
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Evaluating the impact of wind turbine noise on health-related quality of life
Author:  Shepherd, Daniel; McBride, David; Welch, David; Dirks, Kim; and Hill, Erin
HealthNew ZealandNoiseSiting

Adverse health effects of industrial wind turbines: a preliminary report
Author:  Nissenbaum, Michael; Aramini, Jeff; and Hanning, Christopher

Complaint against the UK in re: UN Convention on Persons with Disabilities
Author:  Watson, George
HealthHuman rightsLawU.K.

Ordinance to Impose a Temporary Stay on Construction of Large Wind Energy Systems in the Town of Holland
Author:  Town Board, Holland, Wis.

Two more Australian rural doctors express concerns about health problems with poorly sited wind turbines
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Wind Turbines Can Be Bad For Your Health
Author:  Juby, Bernard

No Safe Place: McMurtry on industrial wind
Author:  McMurtry, Robert

Why pro-wind studies often use a 10 km radius
Author:  Salt, Alec
HealthProperty values

Noise, Including Industrial Wind Turbines, and Adverse Health Effects
Author:  Krogh, Carmen

Wind turbine noise and health: Special issue of Bulletin of Science, Technology & Society
Author:  Various
HealthHuman rightsNoise

Properly Interpreting the Epidemiologic Evidence about the Health Effects of Industrial Wind Turbines on Nearby Residents
Author:  Phillips, Carl
HealthHuman rights

Critique of The Real Truth About Wind Energy
Author:  Gulden, Wayne

Explicit cautionary notice to those responsible for wind turbine siting decisions
Author:  Waubra Foundation

Recommended Update of Sample Zoning for Wind Energy Systems
Author:  MacMillan, William; Punch, Jerry; and Rosenman, Kenneth

Wind Turbine Noise 2011 – List of Papers
Author:  Wind Turbine Noise 2011

Social and Economic Impact of Rural Wind Farms
Author:  Australia Senate Community Affairs References Committee
AustraliaHealthHuman rightsNoise

Berni Janssen’s speech notes to the NH&MRC Workshop
Author:  Janssen, Berni

Summary of recent observations of adverse health effects from wind developments
Author:  Laurie, Sarah
AustraliaHealthHuman rights

Wind Turbines (Minimum Distance from Residential Premises) Bill
Author:  U.K. House of Lords
AestheticsHealthNoiseProperty valuesRegulationsSiting

Cochlear anatomy shapes sensitivity to low-frequency sounds
Author:  Marquardt, Torsten; and Pedersen, Christian Sejer

Human hearing at low frequencies, with focus on noise complaints
Author:  Pedersen, Christian Sejer

Comments on Australian gov’t review of wind turbines and health
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Sarah Laurie address to Australian Senate Inquiry
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Infrasound: Wind Energy’s Harmful Flaw (in French)
Author:  Renard, Claude

Health effects of living close to the Waubra wind turbines
Author:  Stepnell, Carl; and Stepnell, Samantha
AustraliaEnvironmentHealthNoiseProperty valuesRegulationsWildlife

Submission to the Australian Federal Senate Inquiry on Rural Wind Farms
Author:  Laurie, Sarah

Danish and Swedish news – 2010
Author:  Skeel Hjorth, Peter
DenmarkEconomicsEnvironmentHealthHuman rightsSweden

Impact of Turbine Noise on Health and Well-Being
Author:  Shepherd, Daniel
HealthNew ZealandNoise

Adverse Impacts from Wind Turbines in Waubra, Australia, and Surrounding Area
Author:  Ribnick, Preston; and Green, Lilli-Ann
AustraliaHealthHuman rightsImpacts

Comments on Robert McCunney’s testimony on behalf of Green Mountain Power
Author:  Pierpont, Nina
HealthHuman rightsMaineNoiseOntarioRegulationsVermontWisconsin

Wind Turbines Are Hazardous to Human Health
Author:  Salt, Alec

Global Wind Industry and Adverse Health Effects: First International Symposium
Author:  Society for Wind Vigilance
HealthHuman rightsMaineNoiseOntarioU.S.Wildlife

Sleep Disorders and Sleep Deprivation: An Unmet Public Health Problem
Author:  U.S. Institute of Medicine Committee on Sleep Medicine and Research

Adverse health effects: Summary of presentations
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Infrasound: Your ears “hear” it but they don’t tell your brain
Author:  Salt, Alec

Senator Jay Rockefeller asked to reconsider his position on industrial wind
Author:  Spiggle, Wayne
AestheticsEnvironmentHealthLawMarylandPennsylvaniaSouth CarolinaVirginiaWest Virginia

Symposium Delivers Facts on Wind Energy
Author:  Garand, Henri
HealthHuman rightsNoiseOntarioRegulations

Wind Turbine Syndrome
Author:  Pierpont, Nina
HealthHuman rightsNoiseRegulations

Resolution to restore local authority and for risk assessment or industrial wind turbines
Author:  Township of West Lincoln (Ontario)
EnvironmentHealthHuman rightsOntarioProperty valuesRegulations

Hiking up Rumford Whitecap before the onslaught of turbines
Author:  Blake, Brad

Scientific recognition of adverse health effects from wind turbines
Author:  National Wind Watch

Turbine Torture
Author:  Funfar, Barry

Wind turbines and health — videos from Clinton, Ontario
Author:  Middlesex Wind Action Group; Various

Affidavit of Dr. Michael M. Nissenbaum
Author:  Nissenbaum, Michael

Re: Wind Siting Rules, Clearinghouse Rule 10-057
Author:  Azar, Lauren
HealthNoiseProperty valuesRegulationsWisconsin

To the PSC commissioners
Author:  Haas, Allen
EconomicsFilingsHealthImpactsProperty valuesWisconsin

News articles about wind turbine noise and health
Author:  National Wind Watch

Wind Turbine Accident Data
Author:  Caithness Windfarm Information Forum

Responses of the ear to low frequency sounds, infrasound and wind turbines
Author:  Salt, Alec; and Hullar, Timothy

Analysis of the Epidemiology and Related Evidence on the Health Effects of Wind Turbines on Local Residents
Author:  Phillips, Carl

Siting of Wind Turbines with Respect to Noise Emissions and Their Health and Welfare Effects on Humans
Author:  Horonjeff, Richard

Brown County landowner regrets signing on with wind developer
Author:  Koltz, Dick

Wind turbine–related impacts to human health
Author:  Coussons, Herb
FilingsHealthNoiseProperty valuesVideosWisconsin

My personal experience living in a wind farm
Author:  Yunk, Joe
FilingsHealthHuman rightsNoiseProperty valuesSitingWisconsin

Wind-turbine noise: What audiologists should know
Author:  Punch, Jerry; James, Richard; and Pabst, Dan

Presentation to the Hammond (NY) Wind Committee
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Proposal for evaluating the potential health effects of wind turbine noise for projects under the Canadian Environmental Assessment Act
Author:  Keith, Stephen; Michaud, David; and Bly, Stephen

Health Canada’s response to the Digby Wind Power Project Addendum, Digby, Nova Scotia
Author:  Safe Environments Program, Regions and Programs Branch, Health Canada
CanadaHealthNoiseNova ScotiaRegulations

Wind farm illness
Author:  Burkhardt, Gwen

Wind Turbines Disrupt the Flow of Prana
Author:  Senner, Madis
EnvironmentHealthNew YorkVideos

Health effects of wind power — Wikipedia
Author:  Wikipedia

Mars Hill residents’ suit against First Wind et al.
Author:  Kelly, Peter
FilingsHealthHuman rightsMaineNoiseProperty values

Recommendations for Industrial Wind Turbine Land Use Ordinance: Setbacks
Author:  Jackson (Me.) Sub-committee on Wind Power Development

Health Survey Abstract, Results, and Responses
Author:  Wind Concerns Ontario

Sleep disturbance and wind turbine noise
Author:  Hanning, Christopher

Public Health Impacts of Wind Turbines
Author:  Minn. Department of Health

Letter to Chatham-Kent re mtg June 15th
Author:  Anon.

Wind Turbine Noise – a themed sequence of sonnets
Author:  Atkinson-Mair, Gail
HealthHuman rightsNoise

Life with a wind turbine 1300 feet away — the Wirtz family
Author:  Better Plan, Wisconsin
HealthNoiseProperty valuesSitingWildlifeWisconsin

Swoosh, swoosh feel along with the pressure makes me feel nauseous (Oakfield, Wisc.)
Author:  Wirtz, Ann

Wind Turbine Syndrome
Author:  Various

“I just know it’s not good to live in this house anymore” (Oakfield, Wisc.)
Author:  Wirtz, Ann
HealthProperty valuesWisconsin

Deputation to the Standing Committee on General Government Regarding Bill C-150
Author:  McMurtry, Robert

Speaking truth to wind power: submission to legislative committee on bill 150
Author:  Trebilcock, Michael
EconomicsEmissionsFilingsHealthOntarioProperty valuesRegulations

Critique of wind law recently enacted by Town of Holland, Erie County, N.Y.
Author:  Giacolone, Arthur

Daniel d’Entremont letter to Calumet County
Author:  d’Entremont, Daniel
HealthHuman rightsNoiseNova Scotia

Mars Hill Wind Turbine Project Health Effects — Preliminary Symptoms Survey Results
Author:  Nissenbaum, Michael
HealthHuman rightsMaineNoiseProperty valuesRegulations

What’s in a Large Wind Ordinance? And How Does a Town Create One?
Author:  Better Plan, Wisconsin

Changes in Wind Turbine Setbacks
Author:  Palmer, William
EuropeFranceGermanyHealthHuman rightsNew ZealandNoiseNova ScotiaOntarioProperty valuesRegulationsSafetyScotlandSwedenU.K.

European Setbacks (minimum distance between wind turbines and habitations)
Author:  European Platform Against Windfarms
EuropeHealthHuman rightsNoiseOrdinancesProperty valuesRegulationsSafetySiting

Amaranth Wind Turbines, Noise and Health: Barbara Ashbee Interview
Author:  Ashbee, Barbara

Tuning and sensitivity of the human vestibular system to low-frequency vibration
Author:  Todd, Neil; Rosengren, Sally; and Colebatch, James

Gone With The Windmills? A Plea to President Obama to Save the National Forests of Appalachia
Author:  Bolgiano, Chris

Rene Taylor testimony to Town of Union (Wisc.) Planning Commission
Author:  Taylor, Rene

How-to guide to criteria for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks from sound
Author:  Kamperman, George; and James, Richard

Be Concerned About Health Effects from Wind Turbine Effects
Author:  Meyer, Gerry

Letter to Mayor of Essex, Ontario
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Industrial Wind Turbines – safe or sound?
Author:  McMurtry, Robert

Wind turbines make waves: Why do some residents near wind turbines get sick?
Author:  Havas, Magda

Wind Towers in Telocaset, Oregon
Author:  Stein-Swanson, Fay
AestheticsEnvironmentHealthHuman rightsNoiseOregonWildlife

Helen Fraser Interview — Melancthon I, Shelburne, Ontario
Author:  Fraser, Helen

Bad Vibrations — Where’s the Science?
Author:  Watt, Roger

Wind turbines and noise: selected bibliography from “Wind Turbine Syndrome”
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Response to wind turbine noise in the Netherlands
Author:  Pedersen, Eja; Bouma, Jelte; Bakker, Roel; and van den Berg, Frits

Industrial Wind Factories in George Washington National Forest
Author:  West Virginia Highlands Conservancy
EnvironmentHealthImpactsNoiseVirginiaWest VirginiaWildlife

Life with Industrial Wind Turbines in Wisconsin: Part 9
Author:  Anon.

Life with Industrial Wind Turbines in Wisconsin: Part 8
Author:  Anon.

Life with Industrial Wind Turbines in Wisconsin: Part 5
Author:  Anon.

Simple guidelines for siting wind turbines to prevent health risks
Author:  Kamperman, George; and James, Richard

Brownsville Diary, March 3 to October 20, 2008
Author:  Meyer, Gerry

Amendments to Calumet County, Wis., ordinance
Author:  Calumet County, Wis., Board of Supervisors

Yvonne Sheehan’s daily diary 2008, Part 2
Author:  Sheehan, Yvonne

Brownsville Diary, March 3 to April 22, 2008
Author:  Meyer family

Noise Pollution: A Modern Plague
Author:  Goines, Lisa; and Hagler, Louis
HealthHuman rightsNoise

Perception of wind turbine noise: two papers from Sweden
Author:  Pedersen, Eja; and Persson Waye, Kerstin

Re: Wind Turbine Syndrome
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Dr. Nina Pierpont on CFCO radio
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Update: Yvonne Sheehan’s daily diary 2008 — Part 2
Author:  Sheehan, Yvonne

Yvonne Sheehan’s daily diary January 2008
Author:  Sheehan, Yvonne

Evidence of Dr Robyn Phipps, in the Matter of Moturimu Wind Farm Application
Author:  Phipps, Robyn
FilingsHealthNew ZealandNoise

Visual and Noise Effects Reported by Residents Living Close to Manawatu Wind Farms: Preliminary Survey Results
Author:  Phipps, Robyn; Amati, Marco; McCoard, Sue; and Fisher, Richard
AestheticsHealthNew ZealandNoise

Turbine related illness
Author:  Sheehan, Yvonne

Some Facts About Energy & Wind Power
Author:  Friends of Eden, Lakeland, and Lunesdale Scenery (FELLS)

Italian Windfarm Diary
Author:  Mair, Gail
HealthHuman rightsItalyNoise

Government disregard for wind turbine noise and health problems
Author:  Davis, Jane; Davis, Julian; Arp, Jyette; and Nilsson, Lotta

DenmarkHealthNoiseProperty valuesRegulationsSwedenU.K.
Letter to Nina Pierpont describing wind turbine effects on health
Author:  Mair, Gail

Committee notes on wind turbine noise
Author:  Wind Turbine Noise 2007

Health Effects of Wind Turbine Noise
Author:  Pierpont, Nina

Infrasound and low frequency noise dose responses
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; and Castelo Branco, Nuno

Wendy Todd’s Sept. 26, 2007, testimony to Maine wind energy task force
Author:  Todd, Wendy
EconomicsFilingsGridHealthImpactsMaineNoiseProperty values

Second International Meeting on Wind Turbine Noise — Abstracts
Author:  Wind Turbine Noise 2007

Éoliennes, Sons et Infrasons: Effets de l’Éolien Industriel Sur La Santé des Hommes [Wind turbines, noise, and infrasound: effects of industrial wind energy on human health]
Author:  Villey-Migraine, Marjolaine

In-Home Wind Turbine Noise Is Conducive to Vibroacoustic Disease
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; and Castelo Branco, Nuno

Review of Published Research on Low Frequency Noise and Its Effects
Author:  Leventhall, Geoff

Low frequency noise legislation
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; Motylewski, Jersy; Kotlicka, Elzbieta; and Castelo Branco, Nuno

Public health and noise exposure
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; and Castelo Branco, Nuno

Vibroacoustic Disease
Author:  Castelo Branco, Nuno; and Alves-Pereira, Mariana

Industrial Wind Turbines, Infrasound and Vibro-­Acoustic Disease (VAD)
Author:  Alves-Pereira, Mariana; and Castelo Branco, Nuno

Human response to wind turbine noise – perception, annoyance and moderating factors
Author:  Pedersen, Eja

KLADEA documents on wind turbine impacts
Author:  Schorn, Brigitte

Testimony of Wendy Todd to Maine legislature, April 30, 2007
Author:  Todd, Wendy
FilingsHealthKansasMaineNoiseProperty values

Wind Turbines, Noise and Health
Author:  Harry, Amanda

Turbine Talk
Author:  Save Our Allegheny Ridges (SOAR)
AestheticsEconomicsEnvironmentHealthNoisePennsylvaniaProperty valuesWildlife

Alisha’s Law
Author:  Fairfield Concerned Citizens
HealthNew YorkNoise

Noise radiation from wind turbines installed near homes: effects on health
Author:  Frey, Barbara; and Hadden, Peter
CanadaEuropeHealthNoiseProperty valuesRegulationsU.K.U.S.

Evaluation of Environmental Shadow Flicker — Analysis for “Dutch Hill Wind Power Project”
Author:  Bolton, Rick
EnvironmentHealthImpactsProperty valuesSafetySiting

Problems with noise and low frequency vibration from Deeping St Nicholas Windfarm
Author:  Davis, Julian; and Davis, Jane

Politics of Peat
Author:  Scottish Wind Assessment Project (SWAP)

Could Wind Turbines Be A Health Hazard?
Author:  Kriz, Kathy
HealthNoiseNova Scotia

Kittitas County — Desert Claim Wind Power Project — Final EIS — Health
Author:  Zilkha Renewable Energy

Ice Shedding and Ice Throw — Risk and Mitigation
Author:  GE Energy

Investigation into wind farms and noise
Author:  Noise Association (U.K.)

Noise Control Regulations Related to Wind Energy Facilities
Author:  Lawton, Catharine

Repercussions of wind turbine operations on human health
Author:  Chouard, Claude-Henri; and French Academy of Medicine

Wind Turbine Syndrome
Author:  Pierpont, Nina
HealthNew YorkNoise
  1. Watch: Down Wind[]
  2. cf. Jeopardizing the Lakeland: Turbines[]
  3. “Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbines”, Keith Stelling, MA, MNIMH, Dip Phyt, MCPP (England), with additional files from Carmen Krogh, BScPharm; October 20, 2009; p. 13[]
  4. “Adverse Health Effects of Wind Turbines”, Keith Stelling, MA, MNIMH, Dip Phyt, MCPP (England), with additional files from Carmen Krogh, BScPharm; October 20, 2009[]
  5. cf. Turbine Sickness: How Far Away is Safe?[]
  6. cf. When the Turbines Went Big, So Did the Sickness[]
  7. “New WHO noise guidelines for Europe released”, October 10, 2018;[]
  9. November 8, 2021;; cf. September 7th, 2022;[]
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Wind Concerns is a collaboration of citizens of the Lakeland Alberta region against proposed wind turbine projects.


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  6. Pingback:Power and Environmental Assessment • Watts Up With That? - Finencial

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