Property Values: Gone With the Wind
What happens when a wind farm moves in…
What happens when a wind farm moves in…
Northland Power cancels their project — sites now set on the North Valley.
Why aren’t Alberta politicians listening?
Rural municipalities in Alberta say the Alberta Utilities Commission doesn’t fully consult with them when approving renewable energy projects on private land.
Recent studies are definitive: wind turbines wreak havoc on many animals, bats, and fowl that are forced to live among them.
The negative health effects of living by wind turbines can be crippling. That’s the science.
Are wind turbines delivering what energy companies, governments, and environmental interests are promising?
So you’ve looked at The Maps and breathed a sigh of relief that turbines aren’t that close to you. But that could change in a blink…
As energy companies clamor to profit from rich subsidies and ideologically driven governments, the truth is that wind turbines come with significant hazards.
These monoliths will be seen for miles, ruining one of the prettiest landscapes in northern Alberta.