The Devastating Costs of ‘saving the planet’
Mining for electric-powering minerals has left 23 million people exposed to toxic waste, 500,000km of rivers polluted and 16 million acres of farmland ruined.
Mining for electric-powering minerals has left 23 million people exposed to toxic waste, 500,000km of rivers polluted and 16 million acres of farmland ruined.
Water quality has gone downhill fast since installation of turbines…
Wind factories are devastating to people, animals, birds and bats alike.
Wind turbines devastation on the environment extends to the ocean…
How wind “farms” are ruining water sources around the world…
Getting the facts straight.
A study confirms that low frequency vibrations are chasing worms away.
The price of renewable energy goals: rare earth minerals and child labor…
By 2050, there will be 43 million tons of blade waste produced EVERY YEAR.
Is the experiment of erecting wind turbines beside humans coming to an end?