Does Elemental Energy Even Care?
Despite being blocked once, the energy corporation apparently hasn’t learned their lesson…
Despite being blocked once, the energy corporation apparently hasn’t learned their lesson…
The results are signficant especially to grassland regions, like Alberta.
The so-called “green energy transition” is outpacing demand for precious minerals.
The startling downside of wind farms…
It ain’t “green”, folks.
The North Valley is a sensitive wildlife zone — no place for industrial wind turbines.
As energy companies clamor to profit from rich subsidies and ideologically driven governments, the truth is that wind turbines come with significant hazards.
These monoliths will be seen for miles, ruining one of the prettiest landscapes in northern Alberta.
The experience of Ontario residents is a warning of what is coming to Alberta’s Lakeland residents…
One of the most beautiful areas outside of the foothills of Alberta is about to become a massive industrial wind turbine farm. The consequences will be huge.