Danielle Smith has won a majority government in Alberta in a close election on May 29, 2023. The vote was of particular significance to Albertans across the province who are fighting against the plague of massive industrial wind turbine plants being erected or proposed in the midst of rural acreages, prime agricultural land, and ecologically sensitive areas.

“It was the NDP who introduced the radical shift toward so-called ‘green energy’ with ambitious, if not reckless goals to eliminate most of our gas and oil industry,” says Wind Concerns Editor in Chief, Mark Mallett. “Smith and the UPC, on the other hand, were promoting a common sense approach.”
At the Spring Convention of Rural Municipalities, Smith stated:
I’m supportive of solar and wind projects where they make sense. But I can tell you from conversations with people in my own community that putting solar panels on prime agricultural land does not make sense.
Spring convention of the Rural Municipalities of Alberta (RMA), March 22, 2023; ctv.ca
The Premier was echoing what she said in an editorial in the Calgary Herald nearly two years before, that the idea of actually replacing the current infrastructure entirely with wind and solar is nothing short of “magical thinking.”1
Nuclear physicist, Dr. Wallace Manheimer agrees, warning:
…modern civilization depends on energy… If we dismantle our existing power infrastructure, and convert to solar and wind, and solar and wind fail, as they will, it will be the end of modern civilization. It would be especially tragic when not only will this new infrastructure fail, but will cost trillions, trash large portions of the environment, and be entirely unnecessary. The stakes are enormous.
July 31, 2022, Journal of Sustainable Development
Emeritus Professor Wade Allison of Oxford goes further concluding, from an economic and scientific basis, that “Wind power fails on every count.”2

Scott Cyr was elected the new MLA for the Bonnyville-Cold Lake-St. Paul region with a massive endorsement of three quarters of voters. He has attended two Wind Concerns public meetings prior to the election to voice his support for the constituents here. Nearly 55 families, so far, have committed to a legal fund to oppose the Elemental Energy proposed wind turbine project for the Northern Valley.
“We congratulate Mr. Cyr and Premier Smith for their victories,” says Mallett. “But we also want to put them on notice that the people in the Elk Point region, and in other regions across the province who have reached out to us, are not going to put up with the continued trampling of basic human rights through these reckless and damaging “green” projects. We realize that it is “politically correct” to support anything with a “renewable energy” tag on it. But wind turbines are anything but environmentally friendly. Even environmentalists are starting to oppose them.”
Indeed, environmentalist Michael Schellenberger has now changed his tune on wind and solar alternatives after studying the immense damage and toll they take on the environment and their weak payoffs.
In the effort to save the climate, are we destroying the environment?… Now that we know that renewables can’t save the planet, are we going to let them keep destroying it?
Michael Shellenberger is President of Environmental Progress, TED Talk, January 4, 2019; youtube.com
“We will be asking Premier Smith to not only oppose these projects being proposed among residences and ecologically sensitive areas, but to call for a moratorium and review on any further projects before both the environment and the economy are further destroyed,” says Mallett. “Smith has already signaled to the federal government that she is ready to go to war against any further damage to the Alberta economy through Prime Minister Trudeau’s ‘net zero’ ambitions. We believe that is a positive sign for Albertans opposed to these harmful projects, and are looking to the Premier to make good on her common sense approach.”
- October 29, 2021, calgaryherald.com[↩]
- cf. Oxford Scientist: Wind Power Not Reliable, March 27, 2023[↩]
Wind Concerns is a collaboration of citizens of the Lakeland Alberta region against proposed wind turbine projects.