It is not hyperbole to suggest that Alberta stands at the most critical juncture since its inception. With the Federal Liberals pushing a radical global “green” agenda and renewable energy corporations poised to reap billions from taxpayer-subsidized projects, the pressure on provincial politicians cannot be underestimated.1

On the one hand, to oppose anything served up on the green agenda, no matter how demonstrably destructive or nonsensical it is — like industrial wind factories — is to appear as a planet-hater, one deserving to be led through the public square where Greta’s followers will fling rotten tomatoes, and worse, green slogans such as “There is no Plan B.” After all, we have entered the era of “global boiling”, says the UN’s Secretary-General, as he points to widespread wildfires as evidence.2 Never mind that the fires in Greece, Quebec, Alberta, Nova Scotia, Yellowknife, Kelowna, Spokane, Louisiana, Italy, New South Whales, Kaʻū and Maui have been linked to arson and simply incompetence. Never let a good crisis go to waste!
On the other hand, to bow to political correctness and indiscriminately open the door to whatever renewable energy project comes along while decommissioning reliable and cheap energy has proven a disaster, whether in Ontario, Germany, Britain or elsewhere.
Oh, what to do, what to do?
Well, Premier Doug Ford in typical bluntness simply declared a moratorium on industrial wind projects in 2019, deriding them as a “big scam.” Germany is now expanding its coal. And in Kansas, state Republicans recently passed a resolution stating that the party…
…will support candidates and legislative intent regarding energy policy that will serve to provide protection to our citizens security, physical health, financial health, access to reliable energy and property rights across all Kansas counties.
Kansas Republican Party ENERGY Resolution; August 31, 2023; Free State News, October 6, 2023,
The resolution doesn’t stop there, daring to cross the green rubicon. It criticizes existing legislation based on the novel climate dogma that carbon dioxide is a “pollutant”.
…the primary driver of the legislation passed in 2009 was based on seriously flawed assumptions, namely, the colorless, odorless, essential atmospheric gas, carbon dioxide, CO2, has materially contributed to global temperature increases, due primarily to human activities; Whereas abundant data shows these assumptions to be without merit and false.

Indeed, a growing number of climate scientists and researchers, now over 1600 and among them two Nobel physics laureates, Dr. John Clauser, Ph.D. and Ivar Giaever of Norway, have signed onto the “World Climate Declaration” to refute pseudo-scientific claims and state unequivocally: “There is no climate emergency.” As we noted in Hot Air Behind the Wind, the “fact-checker” claims that there is a “scientific consensus” (which is an unscientific phrase) on “global warming” is bogus. But Kansas State Republicans don’t seem to care about the horrific possibility of landing in Facebook jail. Instead, they join a growing but small number of courageous politicians who prefer science and common sense to ideology.
Whereas it is incumbent upon us to elevate the truth, to act in accordance with credible factual data from a multiplicity of sources that unequivocally refute the assumptions that have dominated federal legislation, rulemaking, and policymaking, which have resulted in irresponsibly subsidizing predominantly foreign-sourced ‘renewable’ wind and solar technologies as a solution for climate change; Whereas the United States, including Kansas, must change course, as it relates to policymaking in the Energy Sector. This ‘change of course’ needs to deny any attempts to ‘fast-track’ irresponsible movements away from historically stable, market-tested, and technologically superior energy and power delivery and towards unreliable and foreign-sourced technologies that imperil our economic and national security;
And here it comes…
Whereas irrefutable evidence demonstrates that ill-health effects to mankind and the environment are occurring due to the side effects of industrial scale wind installations. These occurrences are widespread, wherever these installations have been constructed…
Kansas Republican Party ENERGY Resolution; August 31, 2023; Free State News, October 6, 2023,
Alberta Must Decide

Photo: Jim Wells/Postmedia
It is clear that Alberta’s Premier Danielle Smith and her majority government are not persuaded by the panicked overtures of the Federal Liberals and their “dangerous” green agenda, as Smith calls it.3 Her position is similar to the Kansas Republicans platform that supports “the development of alternative energy supplies, while continuing to support the oil and gas industry within the state.”4 But as both regulators and operators of Alberta’s energy have recently warned,5 Trudeau’s emissions reduction plan will literally endanger Albertan’s lives by robbing the province of a source of constant and reliable energy.
However, those of us across this province whose communities have been staked out for industrial wind factories (Wind Concerns by Elk Point, Riplinger Concerned Citzens by Waterton or Smoky River Concerned Citzens) are asking the Alberta government to go further and emulate the logic and courage of Kansas representatives, Premier Ford and others, and ignore the empty and reckless bombast of green radicals. It is time for this province to reject the flawed logic behind industrial wind and declare a moratorium on this environmentally harmful energy source and enact legislative changes that protect future generations.
There are safer, less intrusive, economically wiser green alternatives — and it’s time for Alberta to decide for these.
- cf. Guilbeault: An Existential Threat to Canada[↩]
- cf. Hot Air Behind the Wind[↩]
- cf. Smith, Schulz: Fed Plan is “dangerous“[↩]
- cf. October 6, 2023, Free State News[↩]
- cf. Alberta’s Warning: Who Wants to Freeze in the Dark?[↩]
Mark Mallett is a former award-winning reporter with CTV Edmonton and an independent researcher and author. His family homesteaded between Vermilion and Cold Lake, Alberta, and now resides in the Lakeland region. Mark is Editor in Chief of Wind Concerns.