Wind Concerns will be holding its third public meeting to announce and collect what each family will be required to commit to the legal fund in our fight against these turbines. So far, it is less than $700/family. The more who join this fight before then, the less it will cost everyone! So spread the word!
The meeting will be brief in order to answer any questions you may have, and to accept your pledge to the legal fund. Cheques can be made out to: Wind Concerns. If you have committed to this effort, and cannot attend, please contact our Treasurer, Chris Habiak, to arrange a time to collect your contribution: (780) 646-2626 or email [email protected].
If you would prefer to e-transfer on or after May 2, 2023, you may do so at [email protected]. Please contact Chris Habiak to find out what amount you will owe, and to confirm your e-transfer, at (780) 646-2626 or email [email protected].
Tuesday, May 2nd, 2023 at 7 PM
Seniors Recreation Centre
5010 – 48 Street Elk Point

Wind Concerns is a collaboration of citizens of the Lakeland Alberta region against proposed wind turbine projects.
Hi Mark,
You have been doing an outstanding job at informing us about the wind turbines proposed for this area. I understand that Northland power has cancelled the project north of Elk Point. Hopefully we can achieve the same result here.
I am in full support if your effort to stop the wind turbines. I don’t want them around here. I plan to attend the meeting in Elk Point, on April 4, 2023. I will spread the word. Thanks a million for taking the lead on this campaign. Levina.
Hi Mark
Many studies by engineers and scientists have calculated the inefficiencies of these turbines. The efficiencies do not come close to those of coal (with low emission Technology), hydro and especially small nuclear plants. The environmental intrusion, radiation harm to humans and animals, vibrations and noise must be banned. Mark, you and your group are doing an excellent job of informing our community with facts and promoting safety.