Depending on the polls you read, it’s becoming increasingly possible that an almost complete stranger to Canadian politics — Mark Carney — could keep the Liberal Party of Canada in power (with probably a minority government). The reality is sending shockwaves through those who watched the Liberals under Trudeau abuse constitutional power, withstand corruption scandals, and threaten the economic stability of prairie provinces that produce the bulk of the country’s oil and gas. But will this carnage continue under Carney?
To put it plainly, while Trudeau was an actor (okay, drama teacher) following someone else’s agenda, Carney is the man who has been setting the agenda.
Who is Mark Carney?
In a word, Mark Carney is the new posterchild for globalism. And that is devastating news for Canada’s economy. Here’s why:

“You’ll own nothing. And you’ll be happy.”
He was a member of the Group of Thirty, an international body of leading financiers and academics, and of the Foundation Board of the World Economic Forum (WEF). For those unaware, the WEF is an unelected body of global “stakeholders” who are “advising” and coordinating governments around the world for what they call the “Great Reset.” Their goal is to “reset” the global economy under a completely new economic model whereby the entire globe is integrated, surveilled, and controlled through a digital monetary structure.
And so this is a big moment. And the World Economic Forum… is going to have to really play a front and center role in defining “Reset” in a way that nobody misinterprets it: as just taking us back to where we were…
John Kerry, former United States Secretary of State; The Great Reset Podcast, “Redesigning Social Contracts in Crisis”, June 2020
The WEF’s founder, Klaus Schwab, calls it “The Fourth Industrial Revolution” whereby they envision integrating technology within human bodies (transhumanism):
It is the fusion of these technologies and their interaction across the physical, digital and biological domains that make the fourth industrial revolution fundamentally different from previous revolutions.
Prof. Klaus Schwab, founder World Economic Forum, “The Fourth Industrial Revolution”, p. 12
Klaus, as well as many global leaders, including Trudeau, have clearly stated that pandemics and climate change are the two levers of crisis they are using to dismantle economics as we know it and “build back better.” The goal? To “redistribute wealth.”
But one must say clearly that we redistribute de facto the world’s wealth by climate policy. Obviously, the owners of coal and oil will not be enthusiastic about this. One has to free oneself from the illusion that international climate policy is environmental policy. This has almost nothing to do with environmental policy anymore…
Ottmar Edenhofer, UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC),, November 19th, 2011
This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a “reset”.
Former Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Global News, Sept. 29th, 2020;, 2:05 mark
In other words, it’s “communism with a green hat” — and Carney boldly wears it among his globalist comrades. He attended the annual meetings of the Bilderberg Group in 2011, 2012 and 2019. In January 2020, UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson appointed Carney to the position of finance advisor for the UK presidency of the COP26 United Nations Climate Change conference in Glasgow. He was the UN Special Envoy for Climate Action and Finance.1
He is the money changer of climate change doctrine.
Alberta in the Crosshairs
As we have reported here, Trudeau’s Liberal Party, along with his radical Environment Minister, Steven Guillbeault, were intent on crippling the oil and gas industry with carbon taxes and emissions caps.2 To be clear, Mark Carney is Trudeau 2.0 — on steroids. In the following interview, Carney threatens to “punish” those who don’t buy into the UN’s climate change misinformation.
Would Carney, for example, adopt the NDP’s bill (C-372) seeking to criminalize the “promotion” of fossil fuels, and prescribe jail time even for Canadians who say scientifically true things such as how burning natural gas is cleaner than burning coal? It would seem so, especially since his new Environment Minister is continuing on the same vein of imposing emissions caps:
Premier Danielle Smith will have none of it, however. In a post on X, she laid down the province’s demands:
Says Smith:
At his request, I met with Prime Minister Mark Carney. We had a very frank discussion in which I made it clear that Albertans will no longer tolerate the way we’ve been treated by the federal Liberals over the past 10 years. I provided a specific list of demands the next Prime Minister, regardless of who that is, must address within the first six months of their term to avoid an unprecedented national unity crisis. This includes:
—Premier Danielle Smith, March 20, 2025; posted on X
• Guaranteeing Alberta full access to oil and gas corridors to the north, east, and west
• Repealing Bill C-69 (aka. “no new pipelines act”)
• Lifting the tanker ban off the BC coast • Eliminating the oil and gas emissions cap, which is a production cap
• Scrapping the so-called Clean Electricity Regulations
• Ending the prohibition on single use plastics
• Abandoning the net-zero car mandate
• Returning oversight of the industrial carbon tax to the provinces
• Halting the federal censorship of energy companies I also made it clear that Alberta, as owner of the resource, will not accept an export tax or restriction of Alberta’s oil and gas to the United States, and that our province is no longer agreeable to subsidizing other large provinces who are fully capable of funding themselves…. With the federal election about to be called, I encourage all Albertans to get involved in what is likely one of the most pivotal and important elections in our nation’s history, and to support the party and candidates that have consistently advocated for freeing Alberta from federal overreach and the repeated economic attacks our province has faced from Ottawa over the past 10 years.
It is not hyperbole to say that Carney’s unabashed goal to bring Canada to “net-zero” will cripple our provincial and national economies, destabilize power grids, and hobble the oil industry. But that’s precisely the goal of Carney and his fellow globalists: complete domination of energy. It’s a literal war on the West:
Without swift and immediate action, at an unprecedented pace and scale, we will miss the window of opportunity to ‘reset’ for… a more sustainable and inclusive future. In other words, the global pandemic is a wake-up call we cannot ignore… With the urgency that now exists around avoiding irreversible damage to our planet, we must put ourselves on what can only be described as a war footing.
King (Prince) Charles,, September 20th, 2020

It also means that we can expect Carney to pour millions more into subsidizing “renewable energy.” Wind turbines are the veritable “trophies” of the radical climate change cult, of which Carney is a leader — and Alberta the top-shelf choice to display them.
As such, Wind Concerns is continuing to dialogue with the Alberta Government to defend rural Albertans and our landscapes, birds, bats, insects, and animals against the increasingly far-left Liberal government.
For as a country, we may very well not survive another four years under the Liberals, and the globalist, Mark Carney.
Mark Mallett is a former award-winning reporter with CTV Edmonton and an independent researcher and author. His family homesteaded between Vermilion and Cold Lake, Alberta, and now resides in the Lakeland region. Mark is Editor in Chief of Wind Concerns.