PRESS RELEASE: Albertans Say NO to Wind Project



• Elk Point rural residents are fighting back against Vancouver-based Elemental Energy’s proposed industrial wind turbine project on the North Saskatchewan River Valley

• Citizens have organized themselves under the group “Wind Concerns” launching a website and mass information campaign

• Wind Concerns cites hundreds of studies and data that now show massive wind turbines are linked to serious animal and human health effects, and these have been recognized by courts of law

• Wind Concerns points out that the proposed project is in an official “Wildlife Sensitivity Zone” and directly in the migratory path of the endangered Whooping Crane

• Alberta’s Environment and Protected Areas has been silent on the project


“There is nothing ‘environmentally friendly’ about industrial wind turbines,” says Wind Concerns Editor in Chief, Mark Mallett. “We call them “green” and “clean”, but the truth is that they are incredibly destructive, not only to agricultural land and habitats, but they are definitively proven to show harm to animal and human health.” 

Wind Concerns was launched early in March 2023 in response to the sudden news that the picturesque valley around Elk Point, Alberta could potentially be changed forever by industrial wind farms. “I had just moved my family here less than a year ago. We couldn’t believe it,” said Mallett, who formed the citizen group when he learned that 15 turbines reaching 120m (394ft) above the horizon in the Northern Valley were planned for his “backyard”, as well as a second project just north of Elk Point by Northland Power. That one was slated to begin with 35 turbines, however, it was abruptly cancelled after some 50 families stood up against the project. The company cited “a lack of wind” as well as other environmental factors that made the project unviable. But the Elemental Energy program is still in the works. 

“We have learned a lot from our neighbors in Ontario in their experience with massive wind turbine farms,” says Mallett. “The mad dash to replace traditional energy sources ran absolutely roughshod over people, basic rights, common sense, and the environment. It wasted billions of dollars — and is still not a reliable source of energy. And with today’s announcement that the Federal Government plans to spend hundreds of billions of tax dollars we don’t have to continue this mad transformation to a ‘green economy’, the citizens of Elk Point are saying no, absolutely not — not at the expense of our health, the environment, wildlife, and the beauty of the Lakeland region.” 

Mallett cites over 480 studies showing the harm to human health of those living near turbines. “They want to build these among acreages and farmhouses. We heard what it did to people in Ontario. It’s just insane. It’s unethical.” A French court recently ruled in favour of a Belgium couple who suffered from “Wind Turbine Syndrome” caused, in part, by the infrasonic or inaudible spectrum of noise generated by these massive turbines. A Norwegian court awarded damages to herdsmen whose animals were adversely effected by the massive wind farms there. “The public is waking up,” said Mallett “to the scope of destruction these wind turbines are causing. The general public doesn’t know, so that’s what we’re trying to do — educate fast. We’re not against clean energy. We’re against energy corporations ignoring human rights and, in the end, doing more harm than good to the environment.”

Mallett’s comments come on the heels of an eminent Oxford scientist who is criticizing the “bluster of windfarm politics.” Emeritus Professor Wade Allison says the scientific evidence and basic math show that wind farms cannot deliver consistent energy. “Wind power fails on every count,” he said.

In a phone call with Mallett, Elemental Energy’s Development Manager, Liam Wolfe, claimed that the project slated for south of Elk Point in the Northern Valley doesn’t have “any key sensitive wildlife features” in the area. “That’s simply false,” said Mallett. “Not only is this a migratory path of the endangered Whooping Crane, which has been spotted in the area, but it’s designated by Alberta Fish and Wildlife as a ‘Wildlife Sensitivity Zone.’ In other words, these wind corporations have no business attempting to put an industrial wind farm in the middle of such a sensitive ecological area, much less in the backyards of people’s quiet farms and acreages.” He says this should essentially stop the project dead in its tracks. While Wind Concerns has reached out to Alberta’s Environment and Protected Areas office and its minister, Hon. Minister Sonya Savage, there has been no reply. “If ever there were a time for the government to protect this beautiful province, not to mention its people, it’s now,” says Mallett.

Wind Concerns sent out several thousand flyers throughout the county warning citizens of the project. “It’s amazing how quietly these wind projects are being done. Most people don’t even know — but they’re starting to.” A public meeting is planned for April 4, 2023 at the Seniors Recreation Centre in Elk Point where Wind Concerns will address the situation, educate citizens, and continue their mobilization to stop the project from advancing. “People are shaking my hand and thanking me for organizing this,” says Mallett. “But it’s not about me, though my family is directly affected. It’s really about our country heading down a path that is doing far more harm than good.”

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Mark Mallett is a former award-winning reporter with CTV Edmonton and an independent researcher and author. His family homesteaded between Vermilion and Cold Lake, Alberta, and now resides in the Lakeland region. Mark is Editor in Chief of Wind Concerns.


  1. So if not wind then what. I suppose nuclear power but where does the waste go. I understand your concerns mainly of their visibility. So you don’t care about climate change? Your grandkids will have a ravished area that you now enjoy. I think the people in the cities that consume this wind power need to pay the community that host wind around 1 to 2 cents/kWh. This would give the community that hosts the turbines. 15 turbines at 2.8 Mw at .35 capacity factor. So for a year the total kWh power output would be 2800kwh x 15 x .35 x 365 days x 24 hours/day =

    • Hi Leo. If not wind, then what? We have the technology to burn fossil fuels cleaner and cleaner. Back in the 1950’s, we had the technology to build an engine that made 300 miles/gallon. The problem isn’t oil and gas. The problem is the corruption in the oil and gas industry that prevents us from using this kind of technology. Also, your calculations are based on wind blowing every day, all day long. That doesn’t happen anywhere, and certainly not here — which is why Northland Power cancelled their project, in part, just north of the town.

      As for your comments… our grandkids won’t have an area to come to if it’s riddled with wind turbines that destroy the ecology and human health. You need to spend a little more time on this website reading of the devastation these wind farms cause. You can’t fix the environment by ruining it. As for climate change, I’ll let Dr. Patrick Moore, former member and founder of the environmental group Greenpeace, have the last word. He left the organization when it became radicalized or, in his words, ‘hijacked’. Climate change, he says, is based on a ‘false narrative.’

      Climate change has become a powerful political force for many reasons. First, it is universal; we are told everything on Earth is threatened. Second, it invokes the two most powerful human motivators: fear and guilt… Third, there is a powerful convergence of interests among key elites that support the climate “narrative.” Environmentalists spread fear and raise donations; politicians appear to be saving the Earth from doom; the media has a field day with sensation and conflict; science institutions raise billions in grants, create whole new departments, and stoke a feeding frenzy of scary scenarios; business wants to look green, and get huge public subsidies for projects that would otherwise be economic losers, such as wind farms and solar arrays. Fourth, the Left sees climate change as a perfect means to redistribute wealth from industrial countries to the developing world and the UN bureaucracy. —Dr. Patrick Moore, P.h.d., co-founder of Greenpeace; “Why I am a Climate Change Skeptic”, March 20th, 2015, Heartland Institute

  2. Leo, have a look at this, perhaps it will be of help:

  3. Thank you, Mark, for your hard work on this informative website and for rallying your community and making them aware of the trouble with wind turbines throughout Alberta, our country and beyond. Having these wind giants dot our landscape everywhere would be a grievous travesty. And all the human and animal suffering that goes along with it is unconscionable. We need transparency. No sneaking in the wind turbines!

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