It’s not politically correct to oppose “green” energy. That’s your first clue that there is something fundamentally wrong with the entire climate change agenda being driven by far-left politicians and radical publications throughout most of the Western World. Whenever a citizen’s right to question the “logic” behind a revolution is suppressed by legacy media, censored by social media, and is supposedly against the “scientific consensus”… it is a certainty that corrupt ideology, not science, is driving the agenda.
The social need to belong to a tribe is so strong in our times, fuelled by social media, that fear has become an effective weapon in silencing the majority. The past four years has become a case study in how to sway entire populations through propaganda. So conditioned is this generation to believe that what the CBC, CNN, CTV, MSNBC, BBC, etc. tells them “must be true”, it’s now dangerously clear that almost any agenda can be forced upon an entire nation, no matter how illogical or contrary to science it is.

Such as Justin Trudeau’s climate change agenda. Even though top climatologists have now exposed that this narrative is based on faulty computer models;1 even though a raft of peer-reviewed studies shows that the planet is greening and getting healthier;2 even though the underbelly of the United Nation’s objectives with “global warming” is not environmentalism, but redistribution of wealth (ie. communism with a green hat),1 the general public has been led to believe that environmentally destructive technologies like industrial wind turbines are somehow saving the planet.
But how is raping entire regions of rare earth minerals using child labor “saving the planet”?3 How is eliminating and/or neutralizing vast tracts of prime agricultural land needed to feed the planet, saving it?4 How is wiping out millions of migratory birds “saving the planet”?5 How is decimating bats and insects, to the point of extinction of some species, “saving the planet”? How is driving earthworms away from the farmland that hosts turbines “saving the planet”? How is disrupting ground water and destroying aquifers “saving the planet”? How is creating a growing environmental disaster with expired solar panels and toxic wind turbine blades “saving the planet”? How is inducing birth defects, sterility, and other health issues in livestock and wildlife “saving the planet”? How is driving people from their homes and causing serious health impacts in humans forced to live near industrial wind plants “saving the planet”? And how is depriving third world countries of cheap energy and destroying thriving economies, like Alberta’s, “saving the planet”?
And yet the media repeats the Big Lie that green energy is “saving the planet” in the same vein of conscienceless propaganda that was oft repeated the past four years with that experimental gene therapy that was supposed to be “safe and effective.”
However, Alberta’s Premier Danielle Smith has emerged as one of a handful of politicians who have bucked the mindless globalism Trudeau promotes that seeks to utterly reconstruct the world as we know it under the moniker of a “Great Reset.” For those who may have forgotten or not noticed, this strangely became the agenda of several world leaders, without any democratic input from the electorate. Here’s but a sampling…
This is the crisis of my lifetime. Even before the pandemic hit, I realized that we were in a revolutionary moment where what would be impossible or even inconceivable in normal times had become not only possible, but probably absolutely necessary… we must find a way to cooperate on fighting climate change and the novel coronavirus.
George Soros, May 13th, 2020;
So, I think this is a time for a ‘Great Reset’… this is a time for a reset to fix a bunch of challenges, first among them the climate crisis.
Al Gore, American politician and environmentalist who served as the 45th vice president of the United States; June 25th, 2020;
This pandemic has provided an opportunity for a “reset”. This is our chance to accelerate our pre-pandemic efforts, to re-imagine economic systems that actually address global challenges like extreme poverty, inequality and climate change.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Global News, Sept. 29th, 2020;, 2:05 mark; cf.
But the opposite is true, says Canadian Professor Ismet Ugursal:
The poor in the developed world urgently need access to more and cheaper energy to improve their standard of living. To reduce and eradicate poverty, economic growth and increased energy use are necessary, not optional. Objectives such as Net Zero and degrowth are therefore not credible. They are misguided follies, which will be discarded sooner rather than later, as the harms they cause to everyone, but especially the very poor, become clear.
see: The Ethics of Decarbonization for the Poor, paper
So when Trudeau said this past week that he’s moving forward to actually “cap” Alberta’s oil and gas production — which would harm both the province and the entire country — Premier Smith became genuinely “pissed.”
(Can’t see the video? Refresh the page or view at link here.)
Smith rightly noted that the province is already working toward reducing carbon emissions in a way and timeframe that allows for alternative energy sources to be developed.
…growing our renewable energy industry must happen in well-defined and responsible ways. That wasn’t happening… We need to ensure that we’re not sacrificing our future agricultural yields, or tourism dollars, or breath-taking viewscapes to rush renewable’s developments through. And it will keep Albertans at the forefront of our policy.
Premier Danielle Smith, Press Conference, February 28, 2024; YouTube

Her anger towards Ottawa’s utterly “dangerous“, “reckless“, and unconstitutional initiatives is rightly placed. It matches the anger of rural Albertans throughout the province who have watched their quiet communities turned upside down as often foreign green corporations have slated their idyllic landscapes to become an industrial wasteland of off-shore-sized wind turbines. Whether it is Alberta, Ontario, Nova Scotia, Spain, Ireland, France — you name it — citizens have found themselves fighting to preserve their regions from the twisted climate change ideology that is anything but environmentally friendly when it comes to Big Wind.
Perhaps the U.S. election that saw a populist wave against wokism is a sign that the extremist climate change agenda has an expiry date. Do Canadians really want energy insecurity? Do they really want higher utility bills (which have followed in the wake of most every country that has tried to rely on wind and solar power)? Do they really want to see their landscapes permanently marred by industrial wind turbines that reach hundreds of meters into the sky? In our experience here at Wind Concerns, when presented with the actual facts, we have found very few citizens still think industrial wind plants are a good idea. In fact, they decidely reject them.
Premiere Smith was just given a 91% approval rating at the United Conservative Party’s Annual General Meeting this month. Hopefully this, along with Trudeau’s incessant and dangerous push to ultimately harm this province and country with his agenda, will embolden the Premier and her cabinet to at last make changes to push back against the foul winds of change that threaten our province’s economic and energy security. They can start by banning wind turbines being built next to people’s homes and farms. As Smith said last year:
Albertans have been vocal that they don’t want large-scale developments to interfere with our province’s most beautiful natural features. You cannot build wind turbines the size of the Calgary tower in front of a UNESCO World Heritage site; or on Nose Hill; or in your neighbor’s backyard. We have a duty to protect the natural beauty and communities of our province.
Premier Danielle Smith, Press Conference, February 28, 2024; YouTube
Wind Concerns continues to call upon the Alberta Government to implement a 15km setback from inhabited dwellings,6 and enforce wide buffer zones around our rivers, lakes, and migratory paths. Better yet, we think the science is clear enough that there should be a moratorium on building any further industrial wind turbines in this province altogether. They destroy the environment — not save it.
And that should piss off every Albertan.
Mark Mallett is a former award-winning reporter with CTV Edmonton and an independent researcher and author. His family homesteaded between Vermilion and Cold Lake, Alberta, and now resides in the Lakeland region. Mark is Editor in Chief of Wind Concerns.
Thank you Mark Mallett!
Your journalism is so impressive.
We need your level of clarity in Ontario.
Why are Conservatives throughout Canada not uniting with Danielle Smith on putting an end to all of this deception?
Bang on. you nailed it, Eric
Thank you from 🇩🇰 Excellent read! What an amount of info and good links, and I can assure you that I will forward this to many persons.